Both libraries have equipment adapted to assist patrons with disabilities. Patrons will need to present the ODS priority card along with their FIU One Card to use this equipment. Modesto A. Maidique Campus equipment is located in GL-230A, B, C, D; Biscayne Bay Campus equipment is located in HL-112. |
The adapted equipment purchased by the Office of Disability Services (ODS) is intended primarily for use by their clients. For further information about this and other types of equipment available outside the library setting, contact the ODS: Modesto A. Maidique Campus , GC-190, 305-348-3532 Biscayne Bay Campus, WUC-131, 305-919-5813. |
The Libraries have computers accessible to patrons in wheelchairs to search the online catalog. The Libraries’ online catalog, also provides access to search the collections of all of Florida's public universities and of many other libraries in South Fflorida and around the country. The open access computers serves as an access point for numerous indexes, abstracts, and full- text databases. In addition to wheelchair-accessible computers, The Library has text enlargement and voice synthesizer programs that offer access to the Library catalog and various other online resources. The catalog may also be accessed via any campus terminal or any personal computer with internet access. |
TDD phones are available at the Circulation Desks on both campuses to provide access to services and information concerning the FIU Libraries: Biscayne Bay, 305-919-5718; Modesto A. Maidique Campus, 305-348-1295. |
Most day-to-day communication between library personnel and patrons who are hearing impaired can be accomplished by pencil and paper. In circumstances that require more extensive communication, the use of a sign language interpreter may be requested via the Office of Disability Services. |
This document can be made available in large print and audio formats. For further information, please contact the Libraries' Coordinators of Disability Services. |