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Sports Science

This research guide is for Dr. Serravite's Sports Science courses

What will you find here?

Use the resources on this page to find quantitative data for assessing journal quality. Note that such tools tend to be more useful for publications in the natural and social sciences.

What are journal rankings?

It is the quantitative analysis of peer reviewed journals used to gain a more complete picture of a scholar's impact in his chosen field. Journal rankings are based on three different measures:

  • number of publications
  • number of times an author's publications have been cited
  • the importance of the journal where the article is published, also called the Journal Ranking.

The ranking of the journal also known as the impact or importance of a journal can guide authors on whether they will choose to submit an article.  The higher the impact, the more important the journal.  Oftentimes librarians use journal rankings to make decisions about collection development.