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Social Work Guide

Guide and help center for students and researchers in social work at FIU.


  • Provides provides full-text access to psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration.
  • PsycTESTS® is available from the PsycNET portal, so searching the PsycINFO & PsycARTICLES databases simultaneously is an available option.  To search only the PsycTESTS file, check the desired boxes.
  • From the Behavioral Measurement Database Service, 1985 - present.  HaPI focuses on medical measurement instruments, but includes medically related disciplines such as psychology, social work, speech and hearing therapy, etc.  Does not include a copy of the test.
  • Database of more than 25,000 tests and other measurement devices most of which were created by authors outside ETS. ETS has permission to distribute over 1,200 tests in the collection that may be used in your research.

  • The databases listed below will include articles about tests and some may even include copies of the test or instrument.

  • PsycINFO uses the term "appended" for locating tests and measurements included in a  publication's appendix.  You may limit your search by typing the name of the instrument in the Test and Measures field.

Tips for finding tests and articles about tests in ERIC:

Option 1)  You may be able to find articles about a specific instrument by typing its name in the ERIC keyword search box.

Option 2)  You may also search for tests and measurements by entering information in the keyword search boxes and then add the keyword appended:

  • For example: (test OR assessment OR scale OR questionnaire OR measure OR survey) AND [your topic] AND appended
  • Using the keyword APPENDED will look for articles and documents that may have copies of the instrument attached.
