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Rhetoric and Composition Research Guide

This is a reference list of resources so that you can conduct research within the field of writing and rhetoric.

To access general database (not field specific) resources

Click the “Research Start” box in the middle of the page. Here you can access the most frequently used research databases such as Academic Search Complete and ProQuest.

To access more discipline-specific resources

  1. Go to the FIU Library’s Subject Guides to access resources listed by “by Subject & Librarian.”
  2. Use the drop-down menu and click on “Literature, Poetry, and Composition,” then click on the “Databases” tab. You will then have access to the main literature, poetry, and some composition resources, including JSTOR and Project MUSE, and the MLA International Bibliography.
  3. You may also find relevant sources in the field of education. To access education resources, use the drop-down menu and click on “Education,” then click on the “Databases” tab. You will then have access to the main education database resources, including ERIC.