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Website Migration Project

The Libraries' main site is getting a facelift!  

Changes are coming to our pages - we're updating content, redesigning the look and feel, and improving the ease of use.  We've used feedback gathered from users through surveys, focus groups, analytics data, and more to help drive the decision-making.  Websites are living and evolving tools, so the process of improving our web presence is an ongoing and iterative one.  Please use the information on this guide to keep up-to-date with the migration, you'll start seeing some changes in several weeks.  We'll also start working individually with departments/groups during this time, as needed.  

The migration will give us a  fresh look and feel, clear navigation, improved searching, and plenty of important content describing the services and collections we provide.  

 Some highlights of the new site include:

  • Integrated search results from the homepage.  
  • A dynamically updated and easy to read display of this week's hours for all libraries.
  • A list of Places to Study and quick-view of rooms available for group study
  • A list, with individual profile pages, for all the Subject Librarians.
  • A rich and growing set of Collection and Department pages.
  • Easy access to Course/Assignment and Topic Guides created by subject librarians.

Please take a few minutes to explore the new site and send us your feedback.




How we are doing it

Below are collections of sites we've used both as inspiration and/or with the focus groups surveyed/observed. Check them out for yourself!


Focus Groups Sites


Other Sites We Love

Why these?  All the sites listed below are either using LibGuides/Springshare CMS (that's what we are moving to!) to run their site or have integrated various SPringshare services/tools into their pages.   


More information on LibGuides CMS