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LibAnswers, LibChat, Chatbot, + RefAnalytics

This guide is for chatters starting out in virtual reference and those who want to improve their craft.

Getting Started


  1. Prep by reading through the chat transactions
  2. Read through the “elements of a good chat”
  3. Read virtual reference recommendations
  4. Read through the system canned messages below
  5. Shadow chat shifts on Zoom 

The best way to learn how to chat is to read the transcripts.

To view the transcripts:

LibAnswers > LibChat > Transcripts

Use the top filters to view chats from a certain time period or chatter

Click the eye icon to view the transcript 

Once in transcript view, use "previous" & "next" to scroll through.

  1. Bookmark URL:
  2. LibApps Dashboard
    1. My Account
    2. Help
    3. My LibApps
  3. LibAnswers 
    1. Dashboard
    2. RefAnalytics
    3. Your email at the top right
      1. Settings & Preferences
    4. Announcements
    5. LibChat Team Teams: Help!
    6. Open Tickets
    7. LibChat
      1. Connecting
      2. Transcripts
      3. Personal Canned Messages
        1. Your contact Info
    8. Chat Interface
      1. Dashboard
      2. Settings
      3. Operators
      4. Internal Chat
      5. Tickets
      6. Patron Chats
      7. Claiming a Chat
      8. Transfers
      9. Messages
      10. Patron Info
      11. Attach Files
      12. RefAnalytics
    9. Chat Basics
      1. Elements of a Good Chat

Creative Commons: FIU Libraries

Creative Commons LicenseThis LibGuide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. If you would like to reuse any part of this LibGuide for noncommercial purposes, please credit the FIU Libraries or the original content creator as noted, and include a link to the source. FIU Libraries