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FIU Interprofessional Cross-Disciplinary IPCD LibGuide

This LibGuide contains resources pertaining to Interprofessional Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration.

Strategic Plan for Florida International University Faculty Senate Interprofessional Cross-Disciplinary (IPCD) Collaboration:

Education, Research/Scholarship, Practice/Service, and Engagement

Revised February, 2023

Vision: To establish a culture of interprofessional cross-disciplinary collaboration at Florida International University (FIU) and beyond.

Mission: To transform education, research/scholarship, and practice/service through interprofessional cross-disciplinary collaboration at FIU and beyond.


1. To broaden the commitment of support, resources, and funding from the Central Administration of FIU and its College/School Administrations, as well as faculty champions, to move forward and sustain an environment of interprofessional cross-disciplinary collaboration in education, research/scholarship, and practice/service.

a. Strategy 1: To engage the President, Provost, Vice Provost of Research, College/School Deans, and other key influencers, through the work of the IPCD Engagement subcommittee, to serve as hosts of yearly signature IPCD events and initiatives related to education, research/scholarship, and practice/service.

b. Strategy 2: To identify elected and voluntary faculty representatives from each of FIU Colleges and Schools who are invested in interprofessional cross-disciplinary collaboration to join the FIU Faculty Senate Interprofessional Cross-disciplinary Committee.

2. To share best practices regarding interprofessional cross-disciplinary collaboration.

a. Strategy 1: To create an on-line repository of interprofessional crossdisciplinary materials, resources, videos and other information related to interprofessional cross-disciplinary education, research/scholarship, and practice/service, available through an FIU IP Library Guide (LibGuide) to all members of the FIU Community (faculty, staff, and students), and open to the public.

b. Strategy 2: To showcase, with the support and funding of the University, College and School administrations, exemplary interprofessional cross-disciplinary partnerships and initiatives at FIU and beyond in marketing materials, and in local, regional, national and international forums.

3. To promote dynamic interprofessional cross-disciplinary engagement, education, research/scholarship and practice/service partnerships and initiatives at FIU and beyond.

a. Strategy 1: To support the initiative of “Scholars at FIU” to further interprofessional cross-disciplinary collaboration at FIU and beyond.

b. Strategy 2: To identify and disseminate to FIU faculty and staff internal and external opportunities for interprofessional cross-disciplinary collaboration in education, research/scholarship, and practice/service through IPCD Committee memos to the Faculty Senate and through ongoing development of the FIU IP LibGuide.

c. Strategy 3: To further the collaboration between the Faculty Senate-Office of Research and Economic Development (ORED) Research Workgroup in conducting research to examine the structure, processes, and outcomes related to interprofessional cross-disciplinary research and education at FIU and suggest strategic, dynamic solutions to overcome barriers and facilitate IPCD collaboration at FIU and beyond.

d. Strategy 4: Through the work of the Research/Scholarship Subcommittee to develop an interprofessional workshop with key stakeholders to address the issue of climate change and health, followed by the submission to the NIH of a related grant.

e. Strategy 5: To develop, implement, and evaluate, through collaboration with FIU Develop, an Interprofessional Cross-disciplinary Course for CEU credits and micro-credentialing, and which is available to all members of the FIU Community and eventually which is marketed externally to businesses, corporations, and the public at-large.

f. Strategy 6: To develop and implement a graduate seminar series for mentors and mentees to discuss the value of collaboration, ways of promoting collaborations across disciplines, and continue ongoing collaborations.

g. Strategy 7: Host Annual Interprofessional Cross-Disciplinary Workshops both virtually and on campus highlighting the IPCD collaborations at FIU, inviting national speakers, panel discussions and interactive discussions of ways of fostering a culture of collaboration at FIU and beyond.

h. Strategy 8: To broaden the definition and promotion of practice/service beyond the health professions to other disciplines at FIU; while promoting scholarship (i.e. publications, presentations, research) that addresses identified issues that have relevance to all individuals (i.e. publication of an article related to social connectedness, isolation and health, well-being, illness and recovery).

i. Strategy 9: Host monthly IPCD lunches at the Faculty Club where faculty, staff and students may have active interchanges and brainstorming sessions regarding identified critical topics of interest across professions/disciplines with opportunity to network and plan collaborative initiatives.


4. To encourage normative expectations regarding interprofessional cross-disciplinary collaboration in FIU Colleges and Schools.

a. Strategy 1: To acknowledge and reward collaboration within and beyond FIU on the “IPCD Wall of Honor” in the FIU IP LibGuide.

b. Strategy 2: To explore with the University Administration a process of identification and funding for an “FIU IPCD Scholar,” awarded yearly through a competitive process, and who would receive funding to participate in national and international initiatives or conferences, and share with the FIU Community “lessons learned,” through presentations or workshops and active participation on an FIU IPCD Subcommittees of Events and Communication, Education, Research/Scholarship or Practice/Service.

c. Strategy 3: To engage all FIU faculty through discussions at the Faculty Senate meetings and at the Faculty Assembly of Colleges and Schools of the importance and value of IPCD Collaboration and documentation of their efforts in the Panther 180 annual faculty evaluation.