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HFT6225: Multicultural Human Resources Management for the Hospitality Industry

This library guide will help you identify the resources for you to successfully complete your Research Paper.

Your Assignment

The purpose of this paper is to allow the student to research, investigate and report on an ethnic group (as defined in class) of their choice excluding any ethnic group which is part of their own personal ethnic makeup. This is to be a research report and NOT a case study, meaning that the student must draw heavily on resources outside their personal experiences. As a future hospitality manager, it will be important for you to be familiar with the published resources available other than industry trade magazines. This research paper should be a thorough investigation of the ethnic group you selected following the guidelines given during class discussion. You will find more than enough resources to research your topic.


Select a minimum of 6 (six) publications you will be using to write the report other than any textbooks. A minimum of 2 (two) of the 6 (six) publications must be refereed journal articles from research journals. (ALL resources will be included in the References; a separate page to be included at the end of your written report).