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Genealogy Research

Genealogy resources at the FIU Libraries and online

what information do i need to have?

Getting information from family members -- especially the elderly members -- is the first step when doing your personal genealogical research or research of anybody.  Be creative!

  • Think out of the box -- Where else could I find information about my family members?  Who is that one person in my family who knows everything about everybody?
  • Consider speaking with your older relatives to discover family facts in the past
  • First, middle, and family (last) names
  • Family names of female relatives who changed their name when married
  • Dates and places of birth, death, marriage, burial, and other important events
  • Social Security numbers for deceased relatives (with permission from beneficiaries) -- never ask for or use Social Security numbers of living relatives
  • Passport numbers or naturalized citizenship papers
  • Military records
  • Letters from family relatives to you or other relatives
  • Family Bibles, religious books with family information, church/temple/mosque records of members
  • Talking with family members, local and distant, and be sure to take notes or record the conversations (get their permission first)