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IDH-4007 & IDH-4008 Study Away France 2024, Honors College

Dual-Semester Course: 1st half IDH-4007 Spring Semester on-campus FIU-MMC; 2nd half IDH-4008 Summer-B SemsterSemester, on-site in France

Study Away France Fall & Summer A, 2024

Eiffel Tower at night; cozy neighborhood scene; lovely Parisian street cafe
Photos are copyright compliant

Purpose of this LibGuide

The purpose of this LibGuide is to provide information about the dual-semester Study Away France program.  Within this LibGuide you will find the following types of information, resources, and research support.  Please know that this LibGuide will not replicate information found in the course's Syllabus, rather will support the course curriculum, assignments, and resources.

Refer to the Contents Box in the upper left-hand side of this page to find relevant support resources.