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IDH-4007 & IDH-4008 Study Away France 2024, Honors College

Dual-Semester Course: 1st half IDH-4007 Spring Semester on-campus FIU-MMC; 2nd half IDH-4008 Summer-B SemsterSemester, on-site in France

Research Tips

Get Library Help


The FIU Libraries have an enormous number of high-quality resources to help you with discovery, research, and citation management.  Below are helpful resources including LibGuides.  Some sources require login (you will be prompted if this is necessary).

Citation Literacy Resources


Campus Support Resources

  • The Center for Excellence in Writing has locations in Green Library MMC & Hubert Library BBC.  This is a free service.
    • Be sure you understand the assignment - selecting a topic, what resources to use to research, what types of materials are allowed (articles, books, videos, etc.)
    • Ask your instructor for clarification about the assignment
    • Select your topic -- Opposing Viewpoints in Context is an excellent resource for discovering and reading about topics
    • Your topic should be manageable, neither too narrow or too wide
    • Understand that a first draft is not the final draft
  • The Center for Academic Success provides one-to-one tutors in many subjects.  This is a free service.
  • Computer Labs for FIU Students are available at both  MMC GC-1201 and BBC WUC-215 campuses.
  • FIU Libraries have devices available for free checkout including but not limited to:
    • Laptops, Dell and Mac
    • iPads
    • Kindles
    • and lots more!
  • Group Study Rooms -- FIU Libraries have Group Study Rooms available via online reservation in the MMC Green Library and BBC Hubert Library.
  • Databases

Finding Articles in Research Databases

So you need articles for your paper?  The FIU Libraries have over 1,100 professional databases for your research needs -- the same ones you may have on the job!  Learn now, not on the job.

First, you need to have a topic or area of interest.  Go to Research: Start & click on Opposing Viewpoints in Context.  This database provides non-partisan information and opinions from many viewpoints about topics of the day.  Search and select a topic, read about it, then begin your research.

Second, go to Academic Search Complete -- the perfect database for freshmen students!  Lots of topics covered, easy to search, peer-reviewed articles & more!

Not enough articles?  Need a better, more specific database?  No worries. 

  • Go to the FIU Libraries home page.
  • If you are off-campus, be sure to click on the LOG IN FOR ACCESS button on the home page.  You will be redirected to the library's secure off-campus page - it will look the same but this is where you need to be.
  • What kind of research do you need to do?  Begin by clicking on the RESEARCH: START page.
  • This page will give you the basic research tools you will need.  For example, a superb all-purpose database ACADEMIC ONE PLUS provides a number of articles on many subjects.
  • Need to do research in a specific subject?  Follow these steps:
    • Click on the RESEARCH: START page
    • On that page, select the subject area you need & click on the link to go to the Subject Home Page
    • All of the Subject Home Pages default to a list of resources specific to that subject, including resources for specific classes if the instructor has requested that a resource is developed by a librarian
    • When you are done reviewing this page, click on the DATABASE tab
    • You will see two groups of databases:
      • BEST BETS!  -- these databases are directly related to the subject area you selected
      • ADDITIONAL DATABASES -- these databases have information about your subject area but also other subject areas
    • Select your database and begin searching.  Searching tips:
      • Use 2 to 4 words
      • Don't write a question or a statement in the data search box
      • Sometimes multiple searches with varying words is necessary, so think up other words that may
      • Keep a list of the words that were successful, you may need to use them later.


Finding Books, Videos, etc in the Library Catalog

Go to the FIU Library home page.

Click here to search the catalog, connect to off-campus access, find course reserves, schedule group study rooms, research scholarly article databases, chat with a librarian on "Ask Us", & find guides on researching, programs of study, and specific courses.

To find books, journals, videos, etc., follow these steps:

  1. To access the library catalog, move your cursor over FIND, then click on BOOKS, E-BOOKS...
  2. Enter what you know about the book or material in the data field, and be sure to select the right kind of search by changing material type in the drop down box.
    • Looking for a book or an e-book?  Enter the title and change the search type to TITLE.  Do the same if you know the author or ISBN number.  You can also search for journal titles (not the article in the journals), videos, etc., and be sure to change the material type.
    • Don't know the title of the material you need?  Do a keyword search with 2, 3, or 4 words.  Omit words like "the", "an", & "a" from any language.  Keep the material type KEYWORD.
  3. Physical Materials can be found by learning the Call Numbers (see the catalog record) -- learn how to use Call Numbers!
    Be sure to pay attention to the Three Cs in the catalog record display -- Campus, Collection, Call Number:
    • Campus -- look at the record and see which campus library the material is located.  Not at that campus library, click on the link to have the book transferred to your campus.  This is a free service.
    • Collection -- there are dozens of collections in the library because each collection serves a unique purpose.  The General Collection is the primary collection for books you can check out and take home.  Be sure to pay attention to the location within the library of the collection in the record.
    • Call Number -- Call is a British English word meaning go to.  Go to the stacks and find the material using this number on a label located on the spine or front cover.  Click here for a quick 1-minute lesson.

Books and other physical materials (DVDs, CDs, etc) that you find in the FIU Library Catalog will be located on library shelving throughout the Green Library MMC and Hubert Library BBC.  The "Call Number" is the alpha-numeric notation in the material's library catalog record that tells you where the item is located.  There are three "C's" to know about:

  1. Campus Location -- Green Library MMC or Biscayne Bay Library BBC
  2. Collection Location within that campus library -- General Collection, Juvenile Collection, Government Documents Collection, Sound & Image (audio-visuals) Collection, etc.
  3. Call Number of the item, located on the item's spine or the front cover (this depends upon the physical size of the item)

Go to the Understanding Call Numbers page to learn and watch a video.  If you have questions or are unable to locate the material, ask for help at the Circulation Desk.

Fun Library Trivia:

Why the term Call Number?  This is a British expression where "call" means "go to (somewhere)".  In England, when you call someone you go to their house.  When you want to telephone someone, you ring them, because that's the sound the phone makes so they know to answer the phone.


  • I will call you tonight at 8pm -- I'll be at your house at 8pm.
  • I will ring you tonight at 8pm -- I'll telephone you at 8pm.