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ETD Guide

Detailed Guide through the ETD process

What is ORCID

ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. It's a nonprofit organization that was launched as a community effort to solve problems regarding name ambiguity in research and scholarly communications.

Name ambiguity can become an issue when:

  • Multiple researchers have the same name
  • A researcher uses different versions of his or her name (for example, using a full name in some instances while using only initials in others)
  • A name change occurs as a result of marriage or for other legal reason
  • There are multiple family/last names

Find more information and sign up at

ORCID Benefits

  • Registration is free
  • Researchers receive unique persistent identifiers and can use ORCID to connect to other identifiers, affiliations, and creative and scholarly works
  • Enables auto-updates of a researcher's record when their creative and scholarly works are published.
  • Researchers own their ORCID idenifier, control what is connected to it, and control the privacy settings on their account.
  • Researchers can use the same identifier throughout their career, regardless of changes in discipline, location, name, or affiliation.
  • ORCID records contain minimal data--records simply describe connections between identifiers and provide citations for source items.