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ETD Guide

Detailed Guide through the ETD process


When you turn in your final paperwork, this is what you'll need:

   Dissertation  Final ETD Approval form Signed by committee, Graduate Program Director, Dean
 Dissertation Survey of Earned Doctorates   (Ph.D. only) Keep & turn in Certificate of Completion         
Thesis Final ETD Approval form Signed by committee, Graduate Program Director, Dean




1 Signature Permissions      Print out of email that gives permission for someone to sign for someone else
2 Copyright Permissions       If prior publication of any part of ETD, turn in copies of permission documents
3 Signature Page(s)    For personal binding (some departments require)



Information Regarding FINAL ETD Approval Form
  1. This form acts as a license that grants FIU non-exclusive rights to your thesis or dissertation. Students, the copyright holders, retain all rights.
  2. A section that allows doctoral students to have the University Graduate School post their dissertations to ProQuest’s ETD and subject Databases (free service).
  3. Embargo options. An embargo is a limited (6 months, 1 year, or 2 year) and reasonable limitation on the access to the full text of the thesis or dissertation.  Embargos should only be applied in the case of a pending patent or a publisher agreement.  A 'Petition for Exception to Graduate Requirements' can be submitted for a permanent or indefinite embargo for students with reasonable intellectual property concerns. Contact the ETD Coordinator if you have questions.  
  4. Review and Acceptance section with signatures of student, Major Professor(s), committee members, Graduate Program Director or Department Chair, Dean of College or School, and Dean of University Graduation School.