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Sales Force Drivers - How can you stand out?

How can you make your product or service stand out? What is the best sales strategy to capture your market?

Entrepreneurs need to be more agile and readily adaptable to changing sales trends and market conditions.

Below are some resources to consult to help you stand out.


Sales Force Drivers Tips:

1. Define your customers. Define the buyer persona. Who are you targeting? 

  • Conduct research:
    • Identify demographics, psychographics, needs, desires, etc.
    • Look at your competitors
    • Identify the appropriate medium to reach potential customers (social media, email, etc.)
    • Pay attention to what potential customers are saying about your product or similar products 

3. Leverage technology. Check traffic on website, social media, email, etc. What is paying off? What isn't? 

4. Review & make changes as needed.