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FIU Digital Project Guidelines and Help Materials

The internal standard operating procedures for FIU Libraries' digital collections

Batch creation of METS files and folders for FDA

Create Multiple Folders (see instructions for creating multiple folders under PRELIMINARY GUIDELINES AND WORKFLOW)

Upload METS data through batch upload, excel spreadsheet (see SOP for batch uploads of METS data for proper configuration)


The .xml files will be created in the folder you have indicated in the Destination.  All files will have the extension _00001 added to the end, which will need to be deleted.  This can be done in Adobe Bridge through a Batch Rename:

  • Open Adobe Bridge
  • Look at the top left of the program, and click on “Computer”
  • Open the file where the .xml files are held (likely in Production/RTD_Current/FDA_RTD)
  • Highlight the .xml folders for which you want to have the name changed
  • Click on “Tools” up on top and then “Batch Rename”
  • Use the String Substitution as set forth below to have the _00001 extension replaced (actually deleted as you don’t put anything in the “replace with:” box)