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Conflict Resolution

Library Guide for Conflict Resolution & Consensus Building Certificate Program

Keep in mind that because Conflict Resolution is a multidisciplinary field there are a number of databases to explore, some which may appear unrelated to your research topic. 

The best way to go about exploring your research topic is to consider the broader subject area you want to focus on.  For example, are you interested in conflict resolution in educational settings, business mediation, interpersonal conflict, online dispute resolution or another area? 

Explore the relevant resources; be sure to include the phrase "Conflict Resolution" or similar synonym when searching.

Some broad subject headings from the library catalog include:

  • Conflict Management
  • Mediation
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Social Conflict
  • Human Rights
  • International Relations
  • Peace Building
  • Restorative Justice

Remember to combine your terms with the broader subject area such as education, business, etc.