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IDH3035 / Dynamic Tensions

Created for Michelle Alvarez Romero, JD in 2019. Updated Summer 2024.


Google Scholar Search
Google Scholar Search



how to add library links to google scholar
Are you a Google Scholar fan/user? You can "turn on" the library's resources in Google Scholar and access fulltext of journal articles while searching from off-campus!

To make these links appear, just access Google Scholar from an on-campus location of the library, and the links will automatically be included.

To get them on your computer:

  1. Click on Scholar Preferences in Google Scholar (
  2. Type Florida International University in the "Library Links" section
  3. Check the boxes to select your options
  4. Save your preferences
  5. Start Searching!



Search Browzine for Journals by Title, Subject, or ISSN:





Search for Cases

Your professor will assign a case.  Simply click on the case collection link and search for the title!