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CINAHL Guide | Guía de CINAHL

A guide to using CINAHL with videos, tutorials, a walkthrough exercise, and other resources. Incluye instrucciones en español.

Welcome to the CINAHL Guide | Bienvenidos a la Guía de CINAHL

Welcome to the FIU Libraries' CINAHL LibGuide. This guide will help you learn how to use CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), a searchable database containing references from over 3,000 journals in the fields of nursing, consumer health, biomedicine, alternative and complementary medicine, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and more.

  • New Users: start by watching introductory videos or jump right into the tutorial.
  • Advanced Users: refine your CINAHL skills by reviewing essential topics or learn about using MeSH terms in CINAHL.

Bienvenidos a la guía de CINAHL creada por las bibliotecas de FIU. CINAHL es una base de datos que contiene más de 3,000 publicaciones en las áreas de enfermería, salud del consumidor, biomedicina, medicina alternativa y complementaria, terapia física, terapia ocupacional, y mucho más.

Before You Begin...

Checkpoint: Database Basics

Do you know how and when to use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT), parentheses, quotations marks, and asterisks in your search phrases?


Are You Using CINAHL in a Systematic Review?

See the guides below for step-by-step instructions on conducting systematic reviews and using other recommended health sciences databases.