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REL6013: Modern Analysis of Religion

This guide is designed to facilitate library research for course assignments.


Follow these 10 steps to identify journals in your field.

1. To search Ulrich’s, click the Research tab on the Library homepage

2. Go to “U” in the A-Z list and select “Ulrich’s” from the list.

3. What are you looking to find?

  • If you’re looking for a specific journal title, simply type the title into the search box and click the magnifying glass to retrieve your results. 
  • If you’re searching for a list of religious studies journals, do not enter a term in this search box, just click on the Advanced Search link to the right of the search box.

4. Change the “Title” field to “Subject (Exact)” and enter RELIGIONS AND THEOLOGY in the search box.  Don’t hit Search yet.

5. Just below the search box, notice the Limit Your Results section.

6. Under Status, check Active, if you want a journal that is currently publishing.

7. Under Serial Type, check Journal, and under Content Type, check Academic / Scholarly

8. Click the green link for More Limiters

9. Under Key Feature, check Refereed / Peer-reviewed

10. Finally, click Search.  You should retrieve over 800 titles as your result.

If you choose, you can narrow your search further by including additional limiters or by adding a term to the search box.


The results screen may include multiple records for the same journal title.

  • An “e” icon indicates an electronic version of the journal. 
  • A star icon indicates a review, probably from Magazines for Libraries.

To view a Record, click on the journal title

  • Basic Description provides initial publication information including the journal website.
  • Abstracting & Indexing shows which databases include articles from that journal.  In most cases, ATLA will be the database you will use to locate specific articles, but if ATLA isn’t listed, check our A-Z list to see if you have access to another database on the list.
  • Reviews, when available, will include a more indepth description of the resource.