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FIU Digital Project Guidelines and Help Materials

The internal standard operating procedures for FIU Libraries' digital collections


  1. Open the METS Viewer/Editor and click on OPTIONS at the top of the box.
    1. In the Options, choose the first one, Metadata Preferences
  2. In the General Options tab be sure .METS is chosen
  3. In the Scheme tab, MODS should be chosen
  4. In the Template tab, choose COMPLETE
  5. In the Add-Ons tab, choose SOBEKCM.  When processing, ETD's, choose ETD. If the record will go to the FDA for preservation, choose FCLA.  Check as many as needed.
  6. In the Resource Files tab, choose INCLUDE CHECKSUMS FOR FILES
  7. In the Localization tab, check that the rights statement reads as follows: 
    1. Please contact the owning institution for licensing and permissions.  It is the users responsibility to ensure use does not violate any third party rights.
  8. In the Project tab, choose NONE
  9. Do not choose anything under Controlled Lists
  10. In the SobekCM tab, add your aggregation codes (ETD, MCA, CGM, GOV, etc.)
  11. If using the FCLA tab, be sure FDA is checked
    1. The FDA account is FIU
    2. The FDA Project will be an aggregation code. *There are a limited number of FDA codes*
      1. Codes: ETDMCACGM (Coral Gables memory), RTE (reclaiming the everglades)
  12. Click SAVE

The xml option is generally used for files that will go to the FDA, a dark archive.  

  1. Open the METS Viewer/Editor and click on OPTIONS at the top of the box.
    1. In the Options, choose the first one, Metadata Preferences
  2. In the General Options tab, choose the .XML option
  3. In the Scheme tab, choose Dublin Core
  4. In the Template tab, choose Dublin Core
  5. In the Add-Ons tab, choose FCLA and any other relevant options
  6. In the Resource Files tab, choose INCLUDE CHECKSUMS FOR FILES
  7. In the Localization tab check that the rights statement reads as follows:
    1. Please contact the owning institution for licensing and permissions.  It is the users responsibility to ensure use does not violate any third party rights.
  8. In the Project tab, choose NONE in Current Project
  9. Do not choose anything under Controlled Lists
  10. In the FCLA tab, choose FDA for the FCLA Flags
    1. The FDA Account is FIU
    2. The FDA Project is the aggregation code. *There are a limited number of codes for the FDA*
      1. Codes: ETDMCACGM (Coral Gables memory), RTE (reclaiming the everglades)
  11. The SobekCM tab is not necessary for the FDA
  12. Click SAVE


  1. Before you can create a METS record, you must have the associated files in the appropriate folder.
  2. Records going to dPanther need to be in a primary folder labeled with the FI number and then a subfolder labeled 00001.
  3. To batch create folders in a MAC or PC, see the Batch Folder Creation libguide under "Preliminary Guildelines & Workflow".
  4. When ready, open the METS editor and click CREATE A NEW METS FILE
  5. This will open up a browse list.  Find your file and click OK.
  6. In the next box, select all files you want included and click CONTINUE


  1. To enter metadata you must double-click in each line to open up an edit box where you can enter information.


  1. Title: be sure to enter the language.  
    1. Be sure to enter the Language in this section. It does not need to be entered in every metadata box as long as it is added to the title and this initial Basic Information section.
  2. Creator field
    1. Be sure to enter the creator name last name first (Smith, John).
    2. Follow RDA standards of entering the names of all authors, avoiding latin terms such as
  3. Role term
    1. If a creator role is specified such as editor, contributor, etc. type it into the Role Term box.
  4. Publication Date
    1. You can type directly in this box.  The date must be entered as YYYY/MM/DD.  The year must be first, then any month or day information that is available.


  1. Subject Keywords
    1. Subject keywords should adhere to the Library of Congress Subject Headings.  
    2. Click on the + sign to add another subject keyword line and enter each new subject keyword/phrase in its own line
  2. Abstract and Note fields
    1. Both of these fields allow you to change the word "abstract" or "note" in a dropdown menu once you open the edit box.


  1. Holding Location:
  2. FIU should be in both the Source Institution and Holding Location.
  3. Check the RIGHTS line and be sure it contains the correct rights statement
  4. Use RELATED URL or RELATED ITEM for additional links or resources.


  1. Be sure BIBLIOGRAPHIC IDENTIFIER is filled in with the FI#
    1. Fill in the applicable AGGREGATIONS


  1. Be sure FDA is checked
    1. FDA Account is FIU
    2. FDA Project is the aggregation that is relevant.  *The FDA only has a few aggregation codes, check which one goes here first!


  1. Click on MAIN and then FILES
    1. Using the right click on the mouse, edit FILES, changing it to the title of the document
  2. Check to be sure your resources are in the structure map

You're done, click APPLY!