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FIU Digital Project Guidelines and Help Materials

The internal standard operating procedures for FIU Libraries' digital collections

Changing Author's SelectedWorks Affiliation

These steps can be used by the site administrator or by the author's themselves

  1. Log into SelectedWorks My Account with the primary account email 
  2. Scroll down to SelectedWorks Site Management and click on “Edit My Site”
  3. She’ll see a dynamic view of her site. In the right sidebar click on the button “Edit About Me”
  4. Click on “Change institution” to the right of “Institution: University of Akron”
  5. In the “Start Search Here” box, type in “Florida International University” and click “Find My Institution”
  6. Select “Florida International University” and click “Save Changes”
  7. At the top of the page she’ll see a black bar with options to manage her site. Click on “Edit My Site”
  8. Click on the green “Update Site” button to make this change live. She’ll receive an email when the changes are complete.