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FIU Digital Project Guidelines and Help Materials

The internal standard operating procedures for FIU Libraries' digital collections

Epson Expression 10000XL (Flatbed scanner)

Open Photoshop

Go to File>Import>Epson...

After opening the Epson Scanning Software in Photoshop, make sure that the settings under 'Original' and 'Destination' are correct for your particular project.

Place the document on the flatbed, select the file save settings button next to the 'scan' button.

  • Under 'Location' choose where you want to store your files.

  • Under 'File Name' use the file naming instructions in the File Naming SOP and choose a start number

    • For example, if you are scanning the first page of front matter, enter the unique ID as the file name and the underscore and the section - ‘FILENAME_fm’ in the ‘Prefix’ section and ‘001’ in the ‘Start Number’ section (you should remove the 00 before the 1 after you scan it)

  • Image format type should be set to TIFF

  • Select 'ok'

Select the preview button and after the preview scan is complete, draw or place the marquee over the document and hit 'scan'

  • In the preview window under ‘Marquee’, there are tools that help you delete and duplicate marquee