EBSCO eBooks can be downloaded and read within the new EBSCO Mobile app. For more information on downloading EBSCO eBooks in the mobile app, please see: Downloading and Reading eBooks on the EBSCO Mobile App.
From the EBSCOhost or EDS mobile site, EBSCO eBooks can also be downloaded to the Adobe Digital Editions app or other apps that support Adobe DRM, such as the Bluefire Reader.
You will need the following:
- Adobe Digital Editions App (or other compatible app, installed on your Apple or Android Device)
- An Adobe ID
Note for Apple Device Users: Pop-ups must be allowed in the settings for the Safari web browser as the downloaded eBook file opens in a new tab before opening in the Adobe Digital Editions app.
Install Adobe Digital Editions App
Download the Adobe Digital Editions App from your device's app store:
Please note: The Overdrive app is recommended for Kindle Fire tablet and Chromebook users. Adobe Digital Editions is not supported by Chromebook OS.
Create an Adobe ID
If you have previously created an Adobe ID to download and read EBSCO eBooks with Adobe Digital Editions on your desktop computer, you already have an Adobe ID you can use to authorize the Adobe Digital Editions app.
Note: You must authorize the Adobe Digital Editions app with your Adobe ID.
Authorize Adobe Digital Editions App with your Adobe ID
Before you download an eBook to Adobe Digital Editions, you must authorize the app with your Adobe ID.
Please note: You will only need to authorize the Adobe Digital Editions app with your Adobe ID once. After this has been done, you will only need to tap Download any time you wish to download and read an eBook on your device.
To Authorize the App:
Open the Adobe Digital Edition app from your device's applications menu.
Tap the Settings menu icon in the upper-left and tap Settings.
Tap Authorize and enter your Adobe ID and password in the fields provided.
Note: Leave the default eBook Vendor selected as Adobe ID.
Tap Authorize.
Your device is now authorized to read EBSCO eBooks.
Searching for EBSCO eBooks on Your Mobile Device
Use your device's browser to log into your institution's EBSCO eBooks collection at https://search.ebscohost.com.
Enter your search terms in the Search Box and click the Search button.
A Result List of eBooks related to your search terms is displayed.
View the detailed information for the displayed eBooks until you have found one you would like to checkout and download to your mobile device.
Checkout and Download an eBook on an Apple Device
After you've located an eBook to download to your device, do the following:
To download an eBook:
Use your device's browser to search your institution's eBook Collection on EBSCOhost.
Note: Pop-ups must be allowed in the settings for your browser as the downloaded eBook file opens in a new tab before opening in the Adobe Digital Editions app.
Tap the Full Download link for the eBook you would like to download.
If you are not logged into your personal My EBSCOhost folder, you are prompted to do so.
Select a Borrow duration from the drop-down menu.
If multiple formats are available (PDF or EPUB), select the desired format, indicate that you have Adobe Digital Editions or an equivalent app installed and tap the Full Download button.
The eBook is added to the Checkout area of your My EBSCOhost folder and begins to download to your device.
Tap the Download link that opens on a new browser tab and then tap the Open in... link.
If Adobe Digital Editions isn't available on the resulting menu, tap More.
Note: Your workflow may vary slightly depending on the browser being used and the version of iOS your device is running. See below for downloading instructions when running iOS 13.1+ on your device.
Tap Copy to Digital Editions from the Apps menu.
Once the eBook downloads to Adobe Digital Editions, tap to open the file. From there you can view your library or begin reading the eBook.
You may now begin reading the eBook on your device.
Downloading eBooks on iOS 13.1+
Apple device users running iOS 13.1+ and downloading eBooks from the Safari browser will need to access the downloaded eBook file from the Files app.
Tap the Download link on EBSCOhost to download an eBook.
File is downloaded to the Files app on your device.
After the file has finished downloading, open the Files app.
Tap the downloaded eBook file in the Files app.
Tap the Share icon at the bottom of the screen.
If Adobe Digital Editions isn't available on the resulting menu, tap More.
Tap Copy to Digital Editions from the Apps menu.
Once the eBook downloads to Adobe Digital Editions, tap to open the file. From there you can view your library or begin reading the eBook.
Checkout and Download an eBook on an Android Device
Next, locate an eBook you wish to download to your device and use the following steps to download it.
To download an eBook:
Use your device's web browser to search your institution's eBook Collection on EBSCOhost.
Tap the Full Download link for the eBook you would like to download.
If you are not logged into your personal My EBSCOhost folder, you are prompted to do so.
Select a Borrow duration from the drop-down menu.
If multiple formats are available (PDF or EPUB), select the desired format and tap the Full Download button.
The eBook is added to the Checkout area of your My EBSCOhost folder and begins to download to your device.
After the download has finished, tap the downloaded eBook file from the pull-down menu at the top of your device's screen or from the Downloads area.
Once the downloaded eBook opens, you can view your library or begin reading the eBook.
Reading eBooks on Your Mobile Device
After downloading the title, you can read it on your device with Adobe Digital Editions.
To read a downloaded eBook on Your Device:
Open the eBook in Adobe Digital Editions by tapping the title or cover on the Library screen.
Flip the pages of the eBook by swiping your finger to the left across the screen of your device.
From the menu at the bottom of the screen:
Time elapsed: Tap to view your reading time for the current session.
Screen Mode: Tap to change the screen settings. Change between light and dark modes and change the screen brightness.
Search Within: Tap to search for keywords within the text of the eBook.
To learn more about using Adobe Digital Editions, please see: Get started with Adobe Digital Editions