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Art Research Guide

Resources for information on Art, Art History, & Museum Studies

Searching for Resources

Search FIU Libraries' Discovery Service

Articles, Academic Databases, & Digital Collections for the Arts

These databases feature scholarly articles to help support your research.  For extensive and in-depth research, be sure to use the BHA and RILA as they contain comprehensive collections of citations.

  • Each database may have different features that will expedite your searches. Look at links and/or icons for these functions.
  • In some you can create an account to save citations for later review.
  • You can often e-mail citations to yourself or a colleague.
  • See if the database allows you to export a citation directly into RefWorks or another bibliographic management program.

Finding Reviews on Art Installations & Exhibitions

Use our newspaper databases to find reviews and exhibits.  Search for an artist's name, a type of art, technique or movement.  You can also look in the catalog for books on art criticism or for art exhibition catalogs.

Subject Headings & Call Numbers for Art, Art History, & Museum Studies

Just want to search the shelves?

The majority of the books for Art and Art History are located on the 5th floor of the Green Library.  Use the Library of Congress Classification to help you find your way!

N: General Visual Arts

NA: Architecture

NB: Sculpture

NC: Drawing/Design/Illustration

ND: Painting

NE: Printmaking/Prints

NK: Decorative Arts

NX: Arts in General

Books about museums, collectors, and collecting are located in the AM call area located on the East side of the 7th floor in the Green Library and the 3rd floor of the Hubert Library.


AM: 1-501                 Museums. Collectors and collecting

AM: 10-100               By country

AM: 111-160             Museology. Museum Methods, Technique, etc.

AM: 200-501             Collectors and collecting

The FIU Libraries house a fine collection of printed biographies, bibliographies, indexes, guides and slides (most are on the 5th floor of the Green Library and the 2nd floor of the Hubert Library), and as secondary (and occasionally primary) sources of information these must not be disregarded.  The FIU online catalog may be searched by artists, movements, countries of origin, etc., to good advantage.

Using 'catalogs' or 'exhibitions' can help you to locate information on specific traveling exhibitions.

Combine subjects, historical events, or countries with 'art'.  Ex. Women -- art, Holocaust, Jewish -- art, Spain -- art

Search by specific artist name, movement, museum, time period or technique.

Art – United States – History Art museums

Historical museums

Museum conservation methods

Museum exhibits

Museums – (location) for instance Museums – Colorado

Museums – administration

Museums and schools

Museums – data processing

Museums -- directories

Museums – educational aspects

Museums -- history

Museums – law and legislation (Location)

Museums – management

Museums – periodicals

Museums -- planning, Museums – philosophy, Museums – security measures

Museums – social aspects

Museums -- techniques

Museum techniques – periodicals

Instruct: Visual and Quantitative Literacy

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If you would like to reuse any part of this LibGuide for noncommercial purposes, please credit the guide's creators or the original content creator as noted, and include a link to the source. Melissa S. Del Castillo, FIU Libraries