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Department Landing Pages: I&RS

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The Florida International University Libraries’ Information & Research Services departments support the goals and mission of the University by providing excellent research and instructional services to all Library users. Assistance is available in-person at the Modesto A. Maidique Campus, Green Library and the Biscayne Bay Campus, Hubert Library, as well as via email, phone, text, and instant message chat through Ask Us.


Modesto A. Maidique Campus, Green Library
2nd Floor

Biscayne Bay Campus, Hubert Library
1st Floor and ASK Desk on 2nd Floor

Department Head 


Green Library, MMC
Phone Number: 


Gricel Dominguez, Hubert Library, BBC
Phone Number: (305) 919-5719

CHAT HOURS (regular semester)

Day(s) Time
Mon - Fri 9am - 6pm
Sat - Sun 12pm - 6pm

Chat now at


Green Library 


Day(s) Time
Mon - Thu 9am - 9pm
Fri 9am - 6pm
Sat - Sun Chat Only, 12pm - 6pm


Hubert Library


Day(s) Time
Mon - Thu 10am - 5pm
Fri 10am - 4pm


Day(s) Time
Mon - Thu 10am - 5pm
Fri 10am - 4pm
Sat 11am - 4pm
Sun 2pm - 7pm


Subject Librarians
Some library faculty serve as liaisons to academic programs. Additionally, a handful of librarians serve as liaisons to specific user populations or research areas. Contact your subject librarian to learn more about specific library resources and to discuss support for your teaching, research, and/or learning needs.

Library Instruction Services and Information Literacy
We seek to cultivate information literacy skills, in both undergraduate and graduate students, that will enable them to locate, evaluate, and effectively incorporate the needed information into their research and assignments. Our instruction program offers a variety of services:

  • curriculum support,
  • customized online guide creation (for a specific assignment or course),
  • assignment troubleshooting, 
  • face-to-face or virtual instruction sessions
  • course embedding
  • tutorial, quiz, and video collections on the Research Journey

We can help your students to succeed.

Many students are intimidated by the library. The FIU Libraries are big, probably a lot bigger than the library they were used to in high school. We have over 600 databases to use to search for articles in various disciplines. It’s full of books – books start to look alike when there is over a million of them in one place. And no, it’s not all available on the web but if they plan to search the web, we can guide them to search efficiently and select reliable web resources.

For serious students, learning the library is an activity that takes time and energy, and learning the research process is difficult without a lot of help. We want your students to be as successful as they can possibly be. Great assignments can bring great results!


We can help you integrate information competencies into your course objectives. Information competencies or information literacy are concerned with those abilities one needs to effectively use the information environment. This requires critical thinking during the process of research in order to locate, evaluate, use, and create information. A subject librarian can assist you to identify objectives that provide opportunities for your students to develop these competencies, will prepare a specific library session to instruct your students on the necessary competencies required to meet your objectives, and/or will collaborate with you to develop an assignment that reinforces information competencies.


Much like our library instruction sessions, our suite of online research guides will help guide students/researchers through the research journey, offer suggestions for search strategies, and recommend search tools.  Guides are available and can be created/customized for a specific assignment, a whole course, or a subject/topic area.  We cover:

  • Developing a search strategy
  • Finding and locating books, articles and other information resources
  • Finding web resources
  • Preventing plagiarism
  • Evaluating information resources


We can help your assignment to succeed. Instead of being surprised at the last minute, we can review your assignment as it is being developed. We can tell you how successful your assignment will be before the students ever read the syllabus. That’s right. No surprises. No false leads. No unanswerable research questions. No unnecessarily frustrated students. We can help you develop those great assignments that will bring great results.

This service is available to all FIU faculty and teaching assistants who develop or are interested in developing course-related assignments requiring library research. The Assignment Troubleshooting Service has several goals:

  • Make sure that the information you require from your students can be found in the library or through resources available to the library.
  • Confirm that any sources listed on your assignment can be found in the FIU Libraries or nearby local libraries.
  • Test the library research component of the assignment from a user’s point of view.
  • Provide professional consultation to help customize your library research assignment incorporating print, electronic, and internet resources.


Library instruction is available to any course within any academic discipline. Library instruction offered in the context of a discipline-specific course or towards a specific assignment are the most effective methods to teach research skills because of the direct relationship to the research requirements of a course. Course-related instruction can be taught by a librarian in one or more sessions. The timing of a session is especially important to student motivation and learning and should be scheduled during the time the students will be working on their research assignments.

Sessions can be offered face-to-face, online (through your course delivery software, Adobe Connect, or more), or offered as a blended session. 

Librarians will work with you to design instruction sessions that cover appropriate topics; possible class objectives:

  • Developing a search strategy
  • Finding and locating books, articles and other information resources
  • Finding web resources
  • Preventing plagiarism
  • Evaluating information resources​

Request a Library Instruction Session
To request a library instruction session, please contact us as early as possible so we can accommodate your preferences.

MMC, Green Library

BBC, Hubert Library

  • General Requests, contact Gricel Dominguez (phone 305-919-5719 / email
  • Subject/Discipline Specific - please schedule through your Subject Librarian


Research Consultations & Individual Assistance
Working on a more in-depth topic? Need one-on-one assistance? Request a consultation!  Fill out the form, let us know some of the details of your research needs, and we'll match you with the appropriate librarian.