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WST4115 & WST5116 / Gender Violence and the Law: Global Perspectives

Library Research Guide for Dr. Moura-Kocoglu. Updated Summer 2024.

What is This?

No means noThis is a library research guide to assist you with finding sources other than your textbook that are based on credible (peer-reviewed) scholarship. Below you will find information on what Peer-Review is and the AI Policy for this course.


On the left-hand side of this site, find pages with links to library databases to help you search for reliable and credible sources.

No Means No Worldwide is on a mission to end sexual violence


Explore the information and if you have any questions remember, 


Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use Policy

While the advances in AI and AI language generators are exciting and can be used for many things, they fail in responding to assignments in this course, which require you to demonstrate your comprehension, analysis, and application of our course concepts based on our course readings, lectures, and discussions. This policy covers any text and artwork/ graphics/ video/ audio produced by generative AI tools, such as ChatGtP, Claude, and many others.

  1. In this course, the use of AI tools is not permitted UNLESS your professor explicitly instructs you to use it. Please contact your professor if you are unsure or have questions BEFORE using AI for any assignment.
  2. For assignments where your instructor explicitly permits the use of AI, as with all citations, you must indicate what part of the assignment was written by AI (in-text citation and works cited list), and make visible which part was written by you.
  3. No more than 25% of an assignment should be created with AI if the instructor gives permission for its use.
  4. If you use AI as permitted in this course, you have to cite the AI use in the references section of your work in the following format:

Your prompt text” prompt. AI tool, version of tool, company that made the tool, date text was generated. URL.

For guidelines on how to cite A.I. tools, review the MLA guide under the module ‘course resources’.