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TAX 6206 / Taxation of Pass-through Entities

Library Research Guide created for Jose M. Aldrich, CPA, JD. Spring 2025.

Literature Review

empirical research wordcloudHow to find Empirical Studies:

1. Read the descriptions of the databases (in the Search and Research & News pages) to decide which one to use.

2. Click on the database link.

3. Do an advanced search.

4. Type in your keywords.

Use AND between disparate terms and OR between similar terms.

For example:

line 1: "food desert"


line 2: miami OR "south florida" OR overtown OR ... *

Notice I put the phrases in "quotes". This tells the database to look for the words side by side.

Use * for stems of words.  For example, grocer* will find grocery, groceries, grocer, etc.

5. Click the box in the database for Peer-Reviewed. This will provide results that are reviewed by other scholars and evaluated whether the research is sound, reliable, and valid.

6. When you get your results, read through the abstract to look for hints of an empirical study.

Hints include:

a. specific research question

b. primary data

c. ability to replicate

d. conclusions

7. If there isn't a link to the full-text, click FIND IT @FIU to search for the full-text.