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RCS 6245 / Psychological/Sociological Aspects of Disability

Library Research Guide created for Michelle Bradham-Cousar, Ph.D., CRC, CVE, NCC, LMHC.

decorative image of IDEAWelcome to the RCS 6245 Library Research Guide.  Search the library resources below.  Find articles, books, video, and more.  Be sure to review the pages on the left for help with evaluating, citing, preventing plagiarism, and more!


Craft your Search

The tough part is coming up with the right words to describe your topic.  Use synonyms.  For example your topic is love in the workplace. What terms should you use?  

boolean operator image

Use OR between synonyms and AND between different concepts.


When you have a topic, brainstorm what words to search.  Remember, search for the most important words only.  Use AND between the different terms and OR between words that mean the same thing.  AND narrows your search. OR broadens your search.

Synonyms and Related Terms:  Think of synonyms for your search terms.  For example:

Topic: The impact of global warming on international shipping.


Main Term   Synonyms Related Terms
global warming climate change greenhouse gases

global shipping

global freight

international freight

overseas shipping

overseas freight








You won't always
have related terms