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PHM 4362 - Global Justice

This research guide is designed to provide guidance for locating supporting resources for the course research paper.

How to ...

View this Video or Follow these Steps to Locate Articles in Philosophy

1. Start on the FIU Libraries homepage - and log in if you're off campus.

2. Put your cursor over FIND (in the gold bar) and choose A-Z List, click

3. Under Browse & Filter, click on ALL SUBJECTS and scroll down to Philosophy

4. See the Best Bets (box in yellow) for the recommended databases

5. Choose a database and search using keywords for your topic.

6. If an article does not indicate that it is available in full-text, click on Find It @ FIU to see if we have it in Full Text through another database or vendor.


  • Use quotation marks when searching for a specific phrase:  "philosophical inquiry"
  • Use OR to search for synonymous or related terms:  ethics OR values


Use the following databases to locate relevant articles on your topic within the philosophy literature.

Philosophical topics and questions are discussed in almost every academic discipline because these considerations are ever present in all spheres of life. 

To find articles that discuss philosophical topics in other disciplines:

1. Start your search from the FIU Libraries homepage and log in for access.

2. Mouse over FIND to show the pull down menu, then select A - Z

3. Under Browse & Filter, go to ALL SUBJECTS and click to show the pull down menu, then select an appropriate discipline.

4.  One or more of the Best Bets listed for that discipline will help you locate additional academic journal articles on your topic.  Read the descriptions to select an appropriate database.

5. If you need assistance deciding on the best choice, contact one of the sources noted at left under Need Assistance?