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PHI 2600 Introduction to Ethics

Search Strategies for the Research Assignment

Locating Information on Your Term Paper Topic

Use reliable sources like these to provide information on philosophical concepts and theories:

These databases includes large collections of resources containing background articles:

1. From the library homepage, click the Catalog tab above the search box

or use the Search the Catalog search box below

2. Type in a topic (or a specific title or author) and click Search.

3. You will find both print and online resources. 

These databases will take you to journal articles:

search the catalog

Search FIU Libraries' Catalog

Or, Locate books outside FIU Libraries

Getting articles (and books!) that we don't own

Just request it - for FREE!  Use InterLibrary Loan / ILLiad to get the pdf of an article or borrow a book from another institution.

Order an article or a book and you will be notified via email that your item has arrived. 

  • Articles generally take 1-3 days (add 2 days for weekend!) 
  • Books generally arrive within 10 days.

Is it an article?  Your ILLIAD account will act like a drop box for articles that can be delivered online. You'll also get an email to let you know when to login to your account to retrieve your item.  Download the PDF to your computer because it will disappear from the ILL site in 30 days.

ARTICLE TIP: When searching in a database, click FIND IT @ FIU to see if we own the article in full text, and if not, check the Library Catalog to see if it is in print.  If we don't own it, look for Still Can't Find It? and click Interlibrary Loan.  The database will fill in the form for you!

BOOK TIP: When searching WorldCat, click on the book title and use the "Send Request to ILLiad" link to order the book.  Sign-in to ILLiad and the database will fill in the form for you!