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MHS6700 / Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues in Counseling

Library Research Guide created Fall 2022 for Dr. Bradham-Cousar.

word cloudWelcome to the MHS 6700 Library Research Guide.  Find specific laws regarding your assigned readings below and review the pages to find the law, evaluate resources, cite APA correctly, prevent plagiarism and get help!


Florida flag

florida statutes

Statutory law is "the law that exists in legislatively enacted statutes esp. as distinguished from common law,"

(FindLaw Online Law Dictionary).

These laws are also referred to as codes.



Case law is "law established by judicial decisions in cases as distinguished from law created by legislation.

(FindLaw Online Law Dictionary).


world map



How does a bill become a law?


Google Scholar Search


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  4. Select Library Links.  Search for Florida International University. 
  5. Check the FIU boxes.
  6. Click Save.
  7. When you search Google Scholar, you will see FIND IT @FIU.  Click it to find the full-text.