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Holocaust and Genocide Studies

This resource guide serves as a starting point for your research on these critical historical events. Here, you'll find a curated collection of resources available through the FIU Libraries and online to deepen your understanding.

Searching Tips

Getting started:

  1. If you don't have a specific topic in mind other than the Holocaust or genocide, you can do a quick search to see what topics are covered, and to narrow your focus. (See Locate Articles, at left, for recommended sources)
  2. Use Encyclopedias and Reference resources to get excellent background information for a clear understanding of your topic and options for further research.  (See Locate Books, at left, for recommended sources)
  3. Use some of the keywords or subject headings noted below to explore additional resources or related topics
  4. Once you have a more specific topic in mind, be sure to add search terms to narrow the results
  5. Don't hesitate to seek assistance.  (See Questions?, at left, for options)

Suggested Keywords

Use these terms to search broadly, but look for narrower topics within your results so you can do a more focused search.

    •    Crimes against humanity
    •    Ethnic cleansing
    •    Ethnic purification
    •    Genocide
    •    Genocide -- History
    •    Genocide -- Political aspects
    •    Genocide -- Religious aspects
    •    Holocaust
    •    Human rights violations
    •    Massacre
    •    Mass murder
    •    War crime trials