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First Thursdays @ the FIU Libraries

Guide to the Libraries' in-house presentation program which takes place on the First Thursday of most months each year.

First Thursdays with Holly Fall 2024 - Spring 2025

First Thursday's provide an opportunity to library faculty and staff to learn from their colleagues.  Annually, a call goes out for volunteers to provide presentations on topics for professional development and of general interest.  Presenters determine their topics.

First Thursdays take place via Zoom and invitations are sent via email. Contact if you have any problems. 

Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Program

October 3, 2024:       "Exploring Faculty Research Centers" 

Presenter: Ramces Marsilli

Ramces Marsilli will present “Exploring Faculty Research Centers” based on his professional development leave in the beautiful Mediterranean Balearic Islands of Spain, a major research University in Madrid (30k more students than FIU!), and exotic Gainesville, Florida. 

Ramces is taking steps to initiate a similar program at FIU, which will benefit faculty research and facilitate research collaboration between librarians and faculty.

November 7, 2024     "Censorship Data from the ALA & FIRE" 

Presenters: Christopher Jimenez, Sabine Dantus, Melissa Del Castillo, Bryan Cooper of the Academic & Intellectual Freedom committee 

December 5, 2024      "Library Data Services" 

Presenters: Jamie Rodgers + Jennifer Fu

January 2, 2025          "Travel Update" 

Presenters: Enrique Caboverde + the Travel Committee 

February 6, 2025         "Demystify Library GIS Services"

Presenters: Brittany Davis + Jennifer Fu 

March 6, 2025

April 3, 2025

May 1, 2025

First Thursday history

First Thursday presentations were created as a vehicle for the Reference and Government Documents departments at MMC and BBC to share information about their liaison areas and other areas of responsibility. After a couple of years it evolved by bringing in representatives from other departments to share information on their resources and services.  Interest grew and within a couple more years, members from all library departments began presenting, sharing and attending these timely, sometimes lively, and always interesting sessions that are open to all colleagues in the FIU Library community.

Past First Thursday Presentations

October 3, 2024:       "Exploring Faculty Research Centers" 

Presenter: Ramces Marsilli

November 7, 2024     "Censorship Data from the ALA & FIRE" 

Presenters: Christopher Jimenez, Sabine Dantus, Melissa Del Castillo, Bryan Cooper of the Academic & Intellectual Freedom committee 

December 5, 2024      "Library Data Services" 

Presenters: Jamie Rodgers + Jennifer Fu

January 2, 2025          "Travel Update" 

Presenters: Enrique Caboverde + the Travel Committee 

February 6, 2025         "Demystify Library GIS Services"

Presenters: Brittany Davis + Jennifer Fu 

March 6, 2025

April 3, 2025

May 1, 2025

October 5, 2023--Let Freedom Read: Exploring Banned Books and Intellectual Freedom in Florida

Presenters: Chris Jimenez, Chair, and FIU Libraries Academic and Intellectual Freedom Committee members.

November 2, 2023--The Library Staff Salary Discussion

Presenters: Kelley Rowan, Chair, Salary Task Force and members, Chris Jimenez, Jennifer Scholl, Adriana Harris, Jamie Rogers, Annia Gonzalez.

December 7, 2023--The Ins and Outs of India Legal Research: Learning How to Find India Primary & Secondary Law.

Presenter: Pushyamitra Veeramachaneni, Assistant Director for Collection Services, FIU Law Library.

February 1, 2024--The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) at FIU: A New Strategic Vision.

Presenter: Katie Coldiron, Outreach Program Manager, Digital Library of the Caribbean (dlOC), FIU Libraries

March 7, 2024--Using Syllabi Data to Increase Reputation / Use of the FIU Libraries: A Partnership with Open Syllabus

Presenter: Dr. Bryan Cooper, Associate Dean for Engagement and Innovation- Hubert Library

April 4, 2024--CELUS: Usage Statistics Demo

Presenter: Diana Reyes, Serials E-Resources Librarian

May 2, 2024--Empathy by Design: Introducing the FIRST Values Framework

Presenter: Sabine Dantus, Reference Librarian, Information & Research Services, Hubert Library 

October 5, 2023--Let Freedom Read: Exploring Banned Books and Intellectual Freedom in Florida

Presenters: Chris Jimenez, Chair, and FIU Libraries Academic and Intellectual Freedom Committee members.

November 2, 2023--The Library Staff Salary Discussion

Presenters: Kelley Rowan, Chair, Salary Task Force and members, Chris Jimenez, Jennifer Scholl, Adriana Harris, Jamie Rogers, Annia Gonzalez.

Decembere 7, 2023--The Ins and Outs of India Legal Research: Learning How to Find India Primary & Secondary Law.

Presenter: Pushyamitra Veeramachaneni, Assistant Director for Collection Services, FIU Law Library.

February 1, 2024--The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) at FIU: A New Strategic Vision.

Presenter: Katie Coldiron, Outreach Program Manager, Digital Library of the Caribbean (dlOC), FIU Libraries

October 6, 2022--Facilitating a QEP micro-credential

Presenter: Kelley Rowan, Associate Librarian, Digital Collections Center

November 3, 2022--No Lights, No Camera, No Action!: Unfilmed Screenplays of Latin America

Presenter: Gayle Williams, University Librarian, Information & Research Services

December 1, 2022--Opening the doors to language inclusion: initiatives at the FIU Libraries

Presenters: Annia González, Special Collections Librarian, University Librarian

                     Ximena Valdivia, Cataloging and Metadata Librarian

                                Karla Ferrer, Cataloging Library Associate

February 2, 2023--A conversation about scholarly writing

            Presenters: Annia González & Peer Review and Research Committee

March 2, 2023--Gale's Business Resources

             Presenters: Elana Karshmer/ProQuest

April 6, 2023--AI, Higher Ed, and Libraries

             Presenters: Jennifer Fu, Boyuan Guan, Rebecca Bakker, Jamie Rogers, Melissa Del Castillo, Diana Reyes, Levente Juhasz

May 4, 2023--The threat to academic and intellectual freedom

             Presenters: Chris Jimenez/Academic Freedom Committee

October 7, 2021 - Community Data Curation: Oral Histories, Post-Custodial Archiving, & Bridging University and Community in South Florida

Presenters: Katie Coldiron, WPHL Archivist and Project Manager on Community Data Curation, and Jamie Rogers, IT Assistant Director, Digital Collections

February 3, 2022 -  GreenGlass Q&A, GOBI and OLAS

Presenter: Eric Gormley, Monographs Coordinator

March 3, 2022 - A Moveable Book: The History of Pop-ups, Volvelles and Interactive Books

Presenter: Rebecca Bakker

April 7, 2022 - Containing Karens & Kevins: Review of the LibAnswers Ticketing Pilot Project

Presenters: Christopher Jimenez, Web Services Librarian, and Diana Reyes, Serials E-Resources Librarian

May 5, 2022 - SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) in Action

Presenter: Dr. Elana Karshmer, Department Head, Information & Research Services, Green Library

June 2, 2022 - Collabolloquim: 4th annual library symposium

Presenters: Rebecca Bakker, Melissa Del Castillo, Ramces Marsili, Gayle Williams

October 1, 2020  - South Florida’s Scary Cinema 2: Old Haunts, New Horrors

Presenter: Eduardo Fojo, Media Cataloger Librarian

November 5, 2020 - The Karoo, The Veld, and the Co-Op: The Farm as Microcosm and Place for Change in Schreiner, Lessing, and Head

Presenter: Elana Karshmer, Head of Information and Research Services (Green Library)

December 3, 2020 - Working with EAST and GreenGlass: New Tools for Collection Development

Presenter: Eric Gormley, Monographs Coordinator

February 4, 2021 - Teamwork in Quarantine: Our presence in the community

Presenters:  Althea Vicki Silvera – Head, Special Collections and University Archivist;  Annia Gonzalez – Special Collections Librarian;  Rhia Rae – Digital Archivist; Rose Nicholson – Records Management Compliance Coordinator & RMLO

April 1, 2021 - Collections as Data

Presenter - Jamie Rogers, IT Assistant Director, Digital Collections

May 6, 2021 - Fun with Genetics: Understanding what 23andMe Can and Can't Tell You

Presenter - Kelley Rowan, Digital Archives Librarian

October 3, 2019  Scholars@FIU: Visualizing the Impact Story of Faculty, Staff and Students

Presenters: L.  Bryan  Cooper,  Associate Dean, Libraries and David Driesbach, Assistant Vice President, Research, Office of Research and Economic Development

November 7, 2019  The Stranger Beside Me – the creepy, freaky, weird world of FIU Libraries Special Collections and University Archives

Presenters: Annia Gonzalez, Special Collections Librarian; Katharine Labuda, University Archives Librarian; Rhia Rae, Digital Archivist and Molly McBride Castro, Digital Humanities Librarian

December 5, 2019  Shedding Light on Local Cultural Heritage: A Professional Development Leave Project

Presenter: Rita Cauce, Head of Cataloging

February 6, 2020  ​FIU Research Data Portal

Presenter: Jill Krefft, Institutional Repository Coordinator

March 5, 2020  FIU Libraries’ Digital Collections in the Classroom

Presenter: Kelley Rowan, Digital Archives Librarian

May 7, 2020 Burning Man Project: Libraries as Art & Libraries as Place in Black Rock City

Presenter: Lauren Christos, Reference Librarian

October 4 - "Spatial History – Using GIS and Open Web Resources to Reconstruct XuanZang’s ‘Great Tang Records of the Western Regions’ on the Silk Route"

Presenter: Zhaohui Jennifer Fu, Head of GIS Center and Digital Collection Center

November 1 - "Academic Libraries Down Under: Experiences in Victoria, Australia"

Presenter: Holly Morganelli, Global Learning Librarian

December 6 - "So, What Are You Reading" - an hour long discussion about the books that we've been reading and recommending (or not)

March 7 - "Confessions of a Volunteer Indexer- the experience and values gained as a volunteer indexer for the Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI) since 1978"

Presenter: Gayle Williams, Latin American and Caribbean Information Librarian

April 4 - "The Libraries’ contributions to pillars of FIU’s Strategic Plan"

Presenter: Dean Anne Prestamo

May 2 - "South Florida's Scary Cinema"

Presenter: Eduardo Fojo, Media Cataloger Librarian

June 6 - "join the Conversation: Why, How, & Where to Publish Research" Symposium (11 a.m.- 4:15 p.m.)

Presenters: Peer Review and Research Committee (Barbara Sorondo, Katharine Labuda, Elaine Dong, Christopher Jimenez, Stephanie Brenenson, and Gricel Dominguez (chair))

October 5 - "Unique Collections in the Academic Libraries: Acquiring Primary Resources"

Presenters: Annia Gonzalez, Katharine Labuda, Rose Nicholson, Rhia Rae

November 2 - "Using Social Science to Create a Better Survey"

Presenter: Kelley Rowan

February 1 - "Affordable Options: Textbooks, OER's & the Library"

Presenter: Valerie Boulos

March 1 - "NFC Technology in the Library"

Presenter: Christopher Jimenez

April 5 - "Supporting Research, Public Engagement, and Learning through the Use of the Archives in Digital Humanities"

Presenter: Jamie Rogers

May 3 - "Practical PowerPoint: How to create better, simpler, more accessible PowerPoint Presentations"

Presenter: Denisse Solis

October 6 - Postponed due to un-Hurricane Matthew and rescheduled for Tues., Nov. 1 at Noon - 12:55 p.m.

November 1 - "TRAVELPALOOZA"

Presenters: The Travel Committee: Eduardo Fojo, April Lafferty, Annia Gonzalez, Carlos Fernandez, and Melissa Del Castillo, and Guests: Marina Garcia, and Douglas Hasty.

December 1 - ETDs @ FIU

Presenters: Research and Scholarship Strategies Group: Jill Krefft, Jamie Rogers, Kelley Rowan, Rebecca Bakker, Stephanie Brenenson, and Brandie Thomas of the University Graduate School.

February 2 - Professional Development Leave at the FIU Libraries: A Benefit for Keeping Burnout at Bay!

Presenter: Gayle Williams

April 6 - "Digital Scholar Studio -- Interaction with Faculty and Students" included a tour following the presentation.

Presenters: Martin Kass, Rebecca Bakker, and Jennifer Fu

May 3 - "ORCID @ FIU"

Presenter: Stephanie Brenenson

June 1 - “Growing Your Research From Idea to Publication: A Case Study.”

Presenter: Barbara Sorondo

December 5 - "Discovery and Born-Digital Archiving: Open Source Preservation and Access"

Presenters: Bryan Cooper and Margarita Perez

April 7 -  "How to Turn a Work Project into a Presentation or Publication."

Presenters: Peer Review and Research Committee including Adis Beesting, Douglas Hasty, Sarah Hammill, Tom Moore, Vicky Toranzo, and Stephanie Brenenson

May 5 - "Introduction to Macro Express"

Presenter: Eduardo Fojo

June 2 - "First Thursday with a Twist"

Presenters: Denisse Solis, Enrique Caboverde, and Jordan Jones

October 9 - "Copyright"

Presenter: Thomson "Tom" Moore

November 6 - "Next Generation ILS"

Presenter: Anne Prestamo

February 5 - "How to Choose a Focus for Your Research and/or Career"

Presenters: Peer Review and Research Committee

April 2 - "What's Special about Special Collections?"

Presenter: Vicki Silvera

May 7 - "Introduction to SPSS" workshop in GL280

Presenter: Barbara Sorondo

May 1 - "Spatially enabled Smart Campus and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) for Community Based Learning"

Presenter: Jennifer Fu

November 8 - "IR Services and All That"

Presenter: Jill Krefft

January 3 - "The Coral Gables Virtual History Project"

Presenters: Jennifer Fu, Jamie Rogers, and Boyuan Guan

June 6 - "Everglades Digital Library, Discovery System and Data Visualization"

Presenters: Jamie Rogers, Jennifer Fu, and Bryan Cooper

FALL 2011

September - Gayle Williams on Latin American and Caribbean Studies

October - George Pearson on Humanities

December - Bryan Cooper on “The Elephant in the Library: the Hathi Trust, Google and Everglades Discovery"

December - Lauren Christos on 19th Century Masterfile ??


January - Sarah Hammill on ?

February - Patricia Pereira-Pujol on Science

March - Patricia Pereira-Pujol on Engineering

April - Stephanie Brenenson and Dean Laura Probst on Scholarly Communication in Flux

May - Marissa Ball on Women's Studies ??

FALL 2010

The 1st First Thursday, December 2010 - Reference and Government Documents departments


January - Scott Kass on Hospitality and Tourism

February - Lori Driver on Government Documents

April - Adis Beesting on Education and Psychology

June ?- Susan Weiss on South Florida Resources

July - Stephanie Brenenson on Architecture and Religious Studies

August - Jamie Rogers on Digital Collections