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Executive MBA

This library research guide is for students and faculty in the Executive MBA program. Find all of the library resources, services, and tools you need to be successful in your business research.



What is a Peer-Reviewed Article?

A peer-reviewed (sometimes called refereed or scholarly) article is:

  • Read, evaluated, and approved for publication by experts in the field. 
  • Considered accurate, reliable, and credible.
  • Reviewed by scholars through an anonymous process; the reviewers don't know who wrote the article, and the authors don't know who reviewed their work.
  • A decision-making process that removes personal bias and favoritism on whether something is published or not.

How do I know if the article I found is peer-reviewed?

  • Many of the library databases have an option to limit searches to peer-reviewed or scholarly publications. Look for a box on the search screen or results page. 
  • In general, book reviews, opinion pieces/editorials, and brief news articles are not peer-reviewed. 
  • Use Ulrich'sweb.