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EEX 3012 / Educational Needs of Students with Exceptionalities

Library Research Guide created for Professor Melanie Morales.


decorative image of IDEAWelcome to the EEX 3012 Library Research Guide.

Find databases to search for articles for your annotated bibliography. Find tips and tricks for annotated bibliographies and citing sources in APA. Be sure to watch the short videos for help too!



Start with ERIC and PsycINFO for your topics. See the Craft your Search page for tips on how to use AND and OR for the best results. Remember to limit the search to the last 10 years.

This is a list of specific journals that you can browse or search through. Start with the Articles tab first. You are likely to find peer-reviewed research studies less than 10 years old with the article databases. 

Search for the word Disability or Counseling to find Journals with the word in the title.  Browse through the journals.  





If you are going to use Google, use Google Scholar!  Learn how to set up your Library Links with Google Scholar below. 

Google Scholar Search



Set up Google links to FindIt@FIU  to link to full text faster

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Burger menutop left of the screen.
  3. Click Settings settings cog 
  4. Select Library Links.  Search for Florida International University. 
  5. Check the FIU boxes.
  6. Click Save.
  7. When you search Google Scholar, you will see FIND IT @FIU.  Click it to find the full-text.

how to add library links to google scholar
Are you a Google Scholar fan/user? You can "turn on" the library's resources in Google Scholar and access fulltext of journal articles while searching from off-campus!

To make these links appear, just access Google Scholar from an on-campus location of the library, and the links will automatically be included.

To get them on your computer:

  1. Click on Scholar Preferences in Google Scholar (
  2. Type Florida International University in the "Library Links" section
  3. Check the boxes to select your options
  4. Save your preferences
  5. Start Searching!