- No Date: if there isn't a date, the reference starts with the author.
Lucas, T. (n.d.). Mother nature revolts. U.S. News & World
The in-text citation will look like this:
According to Lucas, ... (n.d.).
It is hypothesized that Coronavirus was the planet's way of making a point (Lucas, n.d.).
- No Author: if there isn't an author, the reference starts with the title.
Mother nature revolts. (2020, March 29). U.S. News & World
The in-text citation will look like this:
"Mother nature revolts" ... (2020).
It is hypothesized that Coronavirus was the planet's way of making a point ("Mother nature revolts", 2020).
- Exact quotes: page numbers (or paragraph numbers) must be included for exact quotes:
It was hypothesized that, "Coronavirus was the planet's way of making a point" (Lucas, 2017, p. 5.).
It was hypothesized that, "Coronavirus was the planet's way of making a point" (Lucas, 2017, para. 5.).
- DOI = Digital Object Identifier. If an item has a DOI, it must be included in the reference. Not all articles and e-books will have a DOI.
- 1 or 2 Authors: in-text citations for works with 1 or 2 authors will look like this:
- The research ... (Gonzalez & Perez., 2020).
- According to Perez, .... (2020).
If there are 2 authors, include both of them every time in the in-text citations.
- 3+ Authors: in-text citation for works with 3+ authors will look like this:
- The research ... (Gonzalez et al., 2020).
- According to Gonzalez et al. .... (2020).
- Up to 20 Authors: names and initials for all 20 authors must be provided in the reference list. It will look like this:

The in-text citation will look like this:
According to Smith et al. ... (2020).
The research .... (Smith, et al., 2020).
- 21+ Authors: for sources with more than 20 authors, the first 19 are included in the reference list followed by an ellipses and the final author. It looks like this:

The in-text citation will look like this:
According to Smith et al. ... (2020).
The research .... (Smith, et al., 2020).
- Citing Multiple Works: when referring to multiple works in-text, place the citations in alphabetical order, separating them with semicolons.
The in-text citation will look like this:
(Edwards, 2012; Flygare et al., 2019; Steba, 2015).
- Citing Multiple Works by the same author(s) in the same year: when multiple references have identical author (or authors) and publication year, include a lowercase letter after the year. The year–letter combination is used in both the in-text citation and the reference list entry. Use only the year with a letter in the in-text citation, even if the reference list entry contains a more specific date.
Smith, J. & Ortiz, P. (2019a, February). Judge Judy and her impact on society. Journal of Social Science, 15(2), 16-25.
Smith, J. & Ortiz, P. (2019b, March). Judge Judy impacts social justice. Journal of Social Science, 15(2), 16-25.
The in-text citation will look like this:
Smith and Ortiz found ... (2019a).
... (Smith & Ortiz, 2019b).
Arpan, L. M., & Raney, A. A. (2003). An experimental investigation of news source and the hostile media effect. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 80(2), 265-281.
The in-text citation will look like this:
(Gunther, 1992, as cited in Arpan & Raney, 2003);
The in-text citation gives credit to the source used. This is the same one included in the reference list.
Because readers cannot retrieve the communication, it is not included in the reference list. The communication is cited in the text of the paper only.
The in-text citation will look like this:
S. Fernandez (personal communication, April 15, 2020) ...
... (S. Fernandez, personal communication, April 15, 2020).
If an organization or government entity is commonly known by it's acronym, it can be used in-text but the full name should be spelled out in the reference list.
The first in-text citation will look like this:
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS, 2020), described ...
... (The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMS], 2020).
In-text citations that follow can use the acronym:
According to CMS ... (2020).
... (CMS, 2020).
The reference list will always include the spelled out organization (and not the acronym):
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2020). ...